Tailor - Privacy Policy
Image Processing

Tailor does all photo processing on device. Your photos are never uploaded to any servers, and they never leave your device unless you manually share them.

Data Collection for Ads

Tailor 1.2.4 and above is supported by first party ads, but does not contain any third party ads. These first-party ads do not collect or store any information.

Tailor 1.2.3 and below served ads from MoPub, and you can access their privacy policy here: https://www.mopub.com/en/legal/privacy

Crash Reporting and Analytics

Tailor 1.2.3 and above does not contain any third party crash reporting or analytics. If you've turned on the "Share With App Developers" setting in the "Analytics & Improvements" Privacy section in the iOS Settings App, we will receive anonymized crash report data from Apple.

Tailor 1.2.2 and below contained crash reporting with Crashlytics. You can access their privacy policy here: https://policies.google.com/privacy


If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us at contact@foundry63.com

Last updated

November 6, 2020